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Carnegie Mellon University

BXA Intercollege Degree Programs

Interdisciplinary Academics + Arts

BHA Program

The Bachelor of Humanities and Arts (BHA) intercollege degree program combines the strengths of the College of Fine Arts (CFA) and the Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences (DC). This degree is designed for academically and artistically talented students who want to develop their interest in the fine arts, while also pursuing studies in the humanities and social/behavioral sciences. Students choose their fine arts concentration from the following schools in CFA: Architecture, Art, Design, Drama or Music. Students choose their humanities and social sciences concentration from the subject areas offered by DC. The most important aspect of the BHA program is for students to blend their interests and to explore the connections between their chosen disciplines. The program also provides enough flexibility for students to broaden or deepen their concentrations and to explore other areas in which they may be interested. 

The BHA curriculum has three main components: general education requirements, fine arts concentration requirements and humanities/social sciences concentration requirements. Students must complete an array of courses defined by their chosen concentrations. Each student's course of study is unique, based on their background and interests, and course availability in the respective colleges.

Students receive extensive advising support. The academic advisors in the BXA Intercollege Degree Programs are the primary advisors and liaisons between CFA and DC. Each student has two additional academic advisors: an advisor in the admitting school of CFA to guide their focus in the arts and an advisor in DC to guide their focus in the humanities or social/behavioral sciences.